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Over 53 million Americans have a disability.

Based on information collected from the Survey of Income & Program Participation (SIPP) during the last 3 months of 1991 & the first month of 1992, the number of persons with a limitation in a functional activity or a social role was 48.9 million.

Disabilities mean a reduced chance for employment.


The overall employment rate for persons 21 to 64 years old was 75.1%, but the rate varied by disability status. The employment rate was:

80.5% among the 117.2 million persons with no disability
76.0% among the 15.0 million persons with a non-severe disability
23.2% among the 12.6 million persons with a severe disability

From a different perspective, the percent of all employed persons who had a disability was 13.4% (10.6% of employed persons had a non-severe disability, and 2.8% had a severe

Disability also had an impact on earnings. For workers 35 to 54 years old, the average amount earned in a month was:

$2,446 among those with no disability
$2,006 among those with a non-severe disability
$1,562 among those with a severe disability

Types of disabilities and conditions causing disabilities.

Among persons 15 years old and over, the proportion reporting difficulties with specific activities included the following:

5.0% Seeing words and letters in ordinary newsprint
5.6% Hearing what is said in a conversation with another person
8.9% Walking three city blocks
8.3% Lifting and carrying a full bag of groceries
4.0% Going outside the home alone to shop or visit a doctor's office

Source: U.S. Census Bureau



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