Access-USA Braille business cards make good business sense. A business card is often the only thing a customer will take away from an encounter with you. Make sure it's memorable. Braille business cards are remarkable! Braille business cards make a strong positive statement about the individual as well as the company they represent. Braille business cards make good business sense. Braille business cards give immediate information to people with visual impairments while leaving a lasting impression on the community at large. Access-USA is North America's largest producer of high quality braille business cards. We can braille a single box of business cards or a million bookmarks or folders with well defined, uniform, easy to read braille - quickly and economically. When you send your standard, printed cards to Access-USA, we will braille them on the back with your name, your organization's name and your phone number. Any number of standard size business cards, up to 500, will be brailled for $69.95 per person. Shipping and handling will be additional. Larger cards can also be brailled and can accommodate more information than regular cards. Billing is treated as a second order if more than 4 lines of information are requested. The parameters to consider when ordering a braille translation that may be different than above are the following:
If you have any questions or concerns, consultants will be pleased to assist you. Call toll free 1.800.263.2750 or email. Excerpts of comments received from Braille business card holders. . . .
Call toll free 1.800.263.2750 or email. |